St. Michael’s College is joining the global Safer Internet Day campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.
Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, Safer Internet Day will take place on Tuesday 5th February 2019 with the theme ‘Together for a better internet’.
Celebrated in over 130 countries, Safer Internet Day will see St. Michael’s College join hundreds of organisations right across the UK and globally to play their part in helping to create a better internet.

To celebrate the day, we have been working hard over the last month or so planning, filming and editing a number of videos. The videos, once ready will be showcased on the school website and the C2K website.
David Wright, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre recently visited the school to see the work that was on going in the school and in particular the videos and raps that the digital perfecting team were producing.

‘Together for a better internet’