Principal's Welcome
Hello, and a very warm welcome to St Michael’s College, Enniskillen, a Catholic Diocesan College established by the Bishop of Clogher in 1957.
I hope you find this website interesting and informative.
As a College of over 700 boys we enjoy the advantage of an excellent location on a spacious site and are fortunate to have modern state of the art facilities which are second to none.

In St Michael’s College our pupils' educational, cultural, sporting and spiritual needs are met by a highly qualified and dedicated staff, including our Chaplain, Canon Macartan McQuaid.
We strive not only to provide an academic and vocational education of a high standard, but above all to create an ethos which encourages the development of the whole person. Our aim is to ensure that every pupil’s experience of life in our College is a safe, happy and fulfilling one, summed up in our motto:
Orare Studere Agere
(to pray, to study, to act)
The range of activities and opportunities available to our pupils extends well beyond the classroom. In this website we have tried to give an impression of the variety of experiences offered in our College.
I hope this website gives you a sense of our College and I wish your child well, in which ever school he goes to.
With every good wish
Yours faithfully
Mr Mark Henry