All aspects of school life, its planning, organization and provision of extra-curricular activities seek to promote conditions for the positive growth of students and staff. The school places emphasis on the development of positive relationships between all staff and students, the creation of a positive learning environment and the development and maintenance of a caring community.
The aims of the Pastoral Care Programme in St Michael’s are consistent with and so reinforce the ethos and aims of the school. We aim to create an environment where the pupils are valued as individuals and are encouraged to develop to their full potential. We believe that a happy pupil will be a successful pupil and we strive to make this a reality through our Pastoral Care System
Year Heads supported by the Head of Pastoral Care and Head of Behaviour Management Head of Pastoral Care oversee the general welfare of all students in the year group. Each student is assigned to a Form Teacher who delivers the schools Personal Development Programme. Students have the same Form Teacher throughout the key stage.
All classes have a timetabled Personal Development class each week. The topics for this programme, which are amended according to the identified needs of the students fall into a number of categories:
Anti-Bullying issues
Careers Education
Drugs Education/Substance Abuse
Health Education/Personal Health
Moral Development
Personal Safety
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Rights and Responsibilities
Self-awareness and Assertiveness Skills
Look After Yourself
Before you leave home, remember the three W’s – Always tell your parents:
Where you are going
Who you are going with
When you will be home
Give your parents a phone number where you can be contacted
Never hitch-hike
If you find yourself in an unsafe/uncomfortable situation get out, tell an adult you can trust
If you have no money, but need to ring home in an emergency, dial 100 and ask the operator to place a reverse charge call
When using mobile / internet technology, do not disclose any personal information/ details
School Counselling Service
Name of Counsellor – Martina O'Hara
In school – Tuesday
Appt time – 9.35am – 2.00pm
Drop in service over lunch
Make an appointment – Speaking to Form Teacher / Speaking to Mrs J O Neill or Carina Mc Gready / Self referral re the box outside the library.
Lifeline 24 hour helpline
0808 808 8000
Child Line 24 hour telephone
0800 1111 - Website
NSPCC 24 hour helpline
0808 800 5000
0845 909 090
Winston's Wish (Bereavement)
0845 2030 405