Learning Support (SEN)
St. Michael’s College adopts a whole school approach towards the early identification of and provision for those young people who are facing barriers in education, including those who have physical, medical or other challenges and ensures accessibility to all areas of the Curriculum. It emphasises the statutory entitlement of students with additional learning needs to be included as full participants in the academic, pastoral and social life of the school.
The Learning Support teachers and Classroom Assistants are intrinsic to the delivery of quality care and support to SEN students. A programme of Capacity Building among staff is continuous, as all department members engage in relevant training.
The Learning Support Department aims to support students to experience success in all aspects of school life, providing a nurturing environment to help students with individual needs to reach their full potential. A wide variety of students can benefit from Learning support in a variety of different contexts to support various differing needs.
St. Michael’s College has a Special Educational Needs co-ordinator who takes responsibility for pupils with a range of needs, and classroom assistants are employed as required.
Communication with students and parents is vital to assessing, monitoring and reviewing the progress of our students with additional needs.
The Learning Support department carries out a range of testing in an effort to try and offer tailored individual support to a range of students. This includes baseline testing and diagnostic testing. The school is also committed to working in close conjunction with outside agencies to meet the needs of particular students.
Students with SEN are assisted in accessing the curriculum through Classroom assistance and specialist teaching – both in class support and withdrawal programmes.
Expert mentoring guidance and support is provided and includes small group interventions in Social skills, Study skills, Spelling support, Reading comprehension and Numeracy.
Access arrangements are put in place to meet the diverse needs of all students on the Learning Support Register. SEN pupils are fully included in school activities. Pupils also undertake field trips and other educational and recreational excursions. Risk assessments are devised to ensure the safety and well-being of the pupils.
This provision made by the Learning Support Department enables all students to make appropriate progress and fulfill their potential.