Head of Department
Mrs M Cleary

Subject Information
Art & Design provides important opportunities to develop young people’s practical, exploratory, expressive, design and problem solving skills at a level appropriate to their age, maturity and physical dexterity. Students develop intellectual and practical abilities, appreciate the relationships between their work and that of other artists, designers and craftsworkers and become aware of the history and social aspects of the wider community.
GCSE provides candidates with experiences in which their intellectual, practical and aesthetic abilities are focused in creative and imaginative work. They are assessed through two units of work.
Unit 1
The Core Portfolio. Accounts for 60% of the overall marks and consists of controlled assessment. Candidates must submit work from at least two disciplines (Fine art, graphic communication, textile design, 3’D design or photography)
Unit 2
Working to a Stimulus. Accounts for 40% of the overall marks and requires the candidate to respond to a given theme in either fine art or design in two or three dimensions. The E.S.A paper is usually issued to candidates on or near 1st February in theyear of Assessment.
Career Opportunities
Art & Design training can provide skills suitable for a wide range of careers. There is work for artists and designers in industry including:
Within the film Industry, Theatre and Museums for:
ICT Work
Advertising and the Media
Automotive Design
Graphic & Product Design
Interior Design
Digital Photography and Photo Journalism
Stage & Prop Design
Fashion & Textiles
Art Historian
Art Therapy
- Examing Board: CCEA
Qualification Details
The full advanced GCE A Level award is based on students' marks from the AS (40%) and the A2 (60%)
AS 1: Experimental Portfolio
Teachers assess students' work, and CCEA moderate the results. Students develop, explore and record ideas.
50% of AS and 20% of A Level.
AS 2: Personal Response
Teachers assess the controlled task, and CCEA moderate the results. Students present a personal outcome.
50% of AS and 20% of A Level.
A2 1: Personal and Critical Investigation
Written investigation 1000-3000 words - externally assessed
20% of A2 and 12% of A Level
Teachers assess the practical investigation and CCEA moderate the results.
40% of A2 and 24% of A Level
Written and Practical work inform each other and are integrated, but are marked separately.
60% of A2 and 36% of A Level
A2 2: Thematic Outcome
Teachers assess students' work, and CCEA moderate the results.
40% of A2 and 24% of A Level
Sample Work